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Category: Other
TOP 10 Most Overlooked Diet Mistakes How to Lose Weight and stay on track in the New Year.
TOP 10 Most Overlooked Diet Mistakes How to Lose Weight and stay on track in the New Year. 1. Skipping Breakfast Most experts agree that if you skip breakfast, you’ll over-compensate for it later in the day by taking in too much calories. You don’t need a huge breakfast, but a light balanced breakfast can…
Lingzhi – The World’s Oldest Medicinal Mushroom
Lingzhi art created by Hu Zhengyan c.1582 -1672 In Chinese culture, the reishi is known as the “lingzhi” mushroom, which can be translated a number of ways: “Mushroom of Immortality;” “Divine Mushroom;” and “Herb of Spiritual Potency” are just a few variations of its direct translation. The Chinese believed that ganoderma lucidum was the most…
Ganoderma Lucidum
While ‘reishi’ is one of the more common names for this particular mushroom, its proper scientific name is Ganoderma Lucidum. Despite growing in slightly different forms worldwide, the ganoderma lucidum is incredibly rare in the wild. In ancient China, massive expeditions would be sent out by the emperor to find this intriguing mushroom, without success.…
Critical Mass: Cancer’s Tipping Point
The most important thing to keep in mind when you have cancer is that you must make your decision on treatment options as soon as possible, before your tumor reaches a point of critical mass. “Critical mass” is a cancerous tumor’s tipping point: the point at which the tumor’s size and density reach a point…